4 Round tables: Apps, law and finance

Employee participations
Finding the right people is one thing, but more and more businesses are becoming concerned with keeping them. Employee participation is an increasingly popular way of binding employees to the company. We give you an overview of the options.
By Seb Sueur


Subsidies for innovation
Does your company carry out development and/or research projects? You can lower your research and development costs with the WBSO. The scheme enables you to pay less wage tax if you develop technically new physical products, physical production processes, or the software for these processes. We also look at the innovation box, offering a substantial credit on the corporate tax.
By Pepijn Mutsaerts


Privacy & Security for apps 
The growing digitization brings organisations new possibilities regarding their business models. More and more organisations, but also individuals, are using apps because of the interesting opportunities they create. These opportunities also bring new threats to both organisations that process personal data, but also to individuals whose personal data is processed. It is therefore very important to take both privacy & security into consideration at an early stage when a new app is being developed. This way, privacy & security can be used as enablers of the app and maybe even as unique selling point, instead of being blockers that come in at a late stage and therefore bring limitations to the app involved.
By Ilham Ouajnan

Session details
Date: 14-09-2020
Time: 1600041600 - 14:45
(click here)