Top 10 Lessons Learned with Native Mobile Mendix Development
Are you curious about how to improve your app-making skills? Or do you want to know how to make your mobile apps work smoothly?
Join us to discover what we’ve learned from our experience with Mendix Native Mobile development. We’ll share our knowledge on handling tough issues like syncing data and making your app run faster. We have great advice that will make you excited to start making apps.
And if you’re struggling with getting your app into the app store, we have a solution. We’re going to share a special trick that simplifies the app submission process. Say goodbye to the stress of app release day. We’re about to reveal a secret that makes submitting your app much easier. Stay tuned for this game-changing tip!
18:00 – 19:00 Dinner
19:00 – 20:30
– Opening and closing by Pim van der Noll (Mendix MVP)
– Presentations of the top 10 by Martijn Booij, Maud van den Boomen, Pim van Emst and Daan Verweij. (Emixa Mendix Consultants)
20:30 – 21:00 Drinks & Networking
**About Mendix Meetups**
The Mendix Community Meetups are about **meeting other makers**, **knowledge sharing**, and **learning something new.**
To learn more about the meetups or if you want to organize your own meetup, contact the Community Team at community at
*PS. Please understand the impact of no-shows on our resources*
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