Since 2012 Appdevcon and apprilfestival are the biggest leading communities about app development in the Netherlands. We organize a festival and a conference and together attract over 750 professionals from the app industry.


We are here:

To inspire, showcase great apps, teach about best practices and connect professionals within the appindustry. Our goal is to leverage the European app industry to a higher level.

What we do during our events:

Delegates learn from best practices, listen to inspiring keynote speakers, participate in interactive sessions, meet successful professionals from the industry and discover how ideas become reality.

Our target audience:

Appdevcon mainly targets app developers: all levels, working with App Technology: Android, iOS, Windows, Web & TV. We also offer content for lead developers, team leads and architects.
The apprilfestival is there for all professionals in the app industry:  decision-makers, app-makers, designers, product managers and marketeers building the App Economy.

Audience demographics previous editions

appdevcon: 350- 450 visitors

appril festival: 325-425 visitors

Our engagement:

Our Partners are able to connect with their target audience during 4 stages:

And 4 levels:

Our new goals for 2019:

After building a festival fanbase we focus on building a bigger and stronger online community. We will bring more Content, News and Showcases, Live recording of the sessions at the festival and we offer a new Job board.

Join us now!

We know the channels. We have done this before so meet with app developers, designers and professionals within the App Economy. Increase and Exhibit your technology, cool organization and work on actual brand recognition. Become a partner and benefit from our own multi-media marketing campaign.



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