We encourage all professionals working in the app industry to submit proposals for our upcoming festival. If you are a UX designer, product owner, growth hacker, marketeer, investor, business owner, consultant or tool vendor join us! Submit your proposal to appril festival and share your knowledge!
We would like to ensure everyone that our process of selecting the talks will be fair and transparent.
- apppril festival attracts basically anyone that is involved in the process of creating an app.
- We expect around 500 attendees.
- Call for Presentations closes on April 11th.
- Festival will be on June 20 – 24, 2022, in Amsterdam.
- There are 15-20 speaking slots.
What we are looking for?
We like to see anything that squarely fits into the spectrum of:
- Cutting-edge technological advances in the world of app development.
- Practical ideas that attendees can apply at work the next day.
- Trends and hot topics which are relevant in 2022 and beyond.
- The human side of software engineering and design
- Best practices from experienced professionals in the fields of our 3 Tracks:
- Design / UX / UI
- Marketing / Business
- Product
We have a number of themes for appril. It would be great if your talk fit one of these themes:
Theme 1: Product Innovation
We invite product owners, growth hackers & digital strategists for this track
When you’re involved in coordinating the app development of your company, the main challenge is: how do you keep your app alive and kicking within the corporate environment? We dare you to experiment, learn from the best and your fellow product owners. We give you examples on how to get the right budget for your app, besides other outlets. Get the highest attention for your app within your company with total support from board level. We like to take you, your team and the app, to the next level.
Your app is killing it, take it to the next level!
Theme 2: Customer Satisfaction
We invite visual designers, interaction designers, branding and communication specialists for this track
The design of your app and it’s usability are your highest priorities. How do you incorporate the design, business, marketing and your customers needs into a successful product? Make sure your app gets noticed and remains effective. Step into this track to investigate the most powerful retention strategies, trends in marketing automation and let your app benefit from it. We dive into App Store Optimisation and our favorite tools to test and increase your user group. You know your customers, now spoil them to the max!
Theme 3: Revenue Optimisation
We invite business developers, lead generators, account managers and board members for this track
With a loyal audience and healthy return on investment you can take the next step into conquering the world with your app. New techniques reveal themselves on the road to explore successful business models. What sort of profit do we seek to guarantee continuity of our product? Come together with other app entrepreneurs to determine how we can benefit from innovations like big data and AI. Lets share visions and define the future of our business apps. Your business is great, now let’s become famous.
The Call for Presentations selection process
Everyone can join us as long as you are a professional in the app industry.
There will be a mix of 45 minutes and 20 minutes talks selected, as well as (variable) keynote presentations.
We expect 150-200 excellent submissions for 30-40 speaking slots. We created a team of subject matter experts that will go through the proposals and will decide what to include in the festival agenda. This is a rough estimation of our schedule and process:
- Anonymize submissions, so we don’t (unconsciously) bias against anything related to the submitter.
- Rate each talk on a scale from 1 to 5.
- De-anonymize so we can bias against speaker details (based on our budget, we might opt for a local or at least closer-by (read: cheaper to transport) speaker).
- Debate the remaining proposals to build an optimal schedule.
- Most speakers will get a response, positive or negative in April.
Note: a select few slots will be filled by speakers that we’ve personally invited.
- All talks are in English.
- Submitting more than one submission is strongly encouraged. The more submissions contributed, the more options we have to pick from, and the higher your chances are of being accepted as a speaker.
- Try to not include any hints to your identity in your abstracts. This helps us to make a good initial blind selection.
- Make sure you care, and make sure we see you care. Typos, sloppy formatting and all-lowercase submissions make our reading of your proposal tedious. These things will definitely count against your proposal.
- Don’t overdo it either. If you need more than two paragraphs to get to the point of your topic, we need to ask you to slim things down. With the amount of submissions we get, the quicker you can to make a good impression, the better.
- Original Topics. We favour original content. If you want to discuss a topic that you have talked about elsewhere, try to add a twist, or new research, or development, something unique. Of course, if your talk is plain awesome as-is, go for that.
The perks we offer
If you get selected as a speaker at appril festival, here’s what you get:
- Travel to Amsterdam covered. This usually means we pay for your plane or train ticket. We are happy to assist with booking your itinerary, but if you can do it yourself, we can focus on making the festival more awesome.
- Entrance to the festival. We won’t be done with the speaker selections by the end of the ticket sales, so if you want to make sure you can attend, you may want to purchase a ticket regardless. If you get selected to speak and if you need to, we can refund your ticket, but if we don’t, we can spend more money on making the festival more awesome.
- Airport to hotel. We will do our best to pick up speakers from the airport personally.
- We cover your stay in Amsterdam in a fancy hotel near the venue (including free Wifi). For locals outside of Amsterdan we cover 1 night, for speakers outside the Netherlands 2 nights, and 3 nights for tutorial speakers. If you want to stay longer, we can arrange things, just let us know. You will have to cover extra nights, though.
- If your employer can cover your travel and hotel, we are happy to list them as an awesome company sponsor. The money we save will be used to make the festival more awesome. (You might see a pattern …)
- There is a speaker’s dinner the night before the festival that you will be invited to as well as the after party.
Help and support along the way
We are committed to making appril festival a great festival. We are all community people and we want to be as close to you as possible.
We will try to be supportive and helpful. In case you wish to talk with someone from the team, do not hesitate to write an email at team@apprilfestival.com. (just don’t use this to submit a proposal). Oh and ladies, please share your knowledge and join us in Amsterdam.
Good luck!
We also have a brother conference, check out their CFP here