Dutch Aug
The Dutch Android User Group (DutchAUG)
Organises monthly meetups where Dutch Android professionals can meet and connect with each other. The main goal is to inspire and be inspired by hearing members sharing their knowledge about- and experiences with their passion, Android.
Our meetups are fun and technical, with presentations done by Android gurus, open discussions, demo’s and workshops in an informal setting. The purpose is to provide you “the Android professional” a place to learn more about the Android technology, ask questions and meet other people.We have open discussions, demo’s and workshops in an informal setting. The purpose is to provide you “the Android professional” a place to learn more about the Android technology, ask questions and meet other people.
Dutch Aug members
At the moment we have 1155 members who visit our events. If you would like to join us (http://www.dutchaug.org/join) or receive more information about our activities, please subscribe for the next event.
Joining is free!
Disclaimer: The Dutch Android User Group is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google.